Thursday, February 25, 2010



THose DM runs were truly, truly terrible, goddammit they were the worst.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I actually wrote this at work a couple of weeks ago, so it's a little out of date but meh whatever

Mounts: 90


Goblin= Gadgetzan Exalted, remainder 4k into Revered

DMF= 12k into Revered

Shend= xxx into Honoured

Running into real issues here, as Pristine Black Diamonds are very very scare. I’ve upped my max buyout price to 300g, this will raise if necessary. Librams are no problem, I’d be getting close to the remaining 60 that I need. Gotta go farm Srath/Scholo more :p


Still neutral, but will be getting my Rogue/Hunter DB team going very shortly so that I have a toon capable of farming the lockboxes.

Dual Box

Got 2 sexy gnome warlocks burning fuck outta shit atm :D :D :D

I’m so happy to have gotten this happening, Dual Boxxing is heaps of fun and easy to setup once the basics are sorted. I’m using Octopus and Jamba and only a few basic macros. Looking forward to getting the next team going J

World Achievements

Very close to Love Fool on my pally and druid. Only one holiday achievement off the Meta achievement on my pally thank fuck. So spending time on this each night, at least the difficulty has been well and truly nerfed from the shitstorm that was last year. Lol I rolled a troll rogue on my 2nd account and got him to Booty Bay just so my druid could throw the rose petals on him, sure it’s a little sad but damn efficient as I was tanking some crappy instance on my main account at the time :p


Sitting on about 20k, with many many DMF cards waiting to be released into the system. I’m pretty much done with selling glyphs, way to much time spent for very little return. All my Ink of the Sea are purchasing Snowfall Inks now, I’m going to stop making glyphs now and only list when I can be bothered until my stockpile is gone. DMF cards will be my focus, as they are still good little earners.

Gem market is almost ground to a halt too, pretty much back to the prices on Blue gems pre 3.3. Going to DB my warlocks to 65 asp so that I can powerlevel their alchemy, with 3 transmutation masters working for me 600g a day should be achievable for very low effort.


Kicked some very good goals at work over the last couple of weeks, the confidence has returned and projects are getting steamrolled as a consequence J

Seeing the Dr is really helping the anxiety, especially the last exercise she got me doing. Last session was shit, could barely keep from crying, how long does it take for the past to stop haunting us?

Game Goals for Feb

Get holiday achievements on Pally/Druid

DB Warlocks to 65 and powerlevel their alchemy

All goblins to Exalted

Farm Strath and Scholo to allow 10 more Libram of Protection/Libram of Focus turnins

Mmm feeling the tugs of wanting to raid again pulling at me, maybe March look at joining a raiding guild?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

WoW drunk dialling


I just died in DM!!!!!

Guess drinking a little of vodka while playing can kinda fuck yopu up :p

I got a diary type post sitting in my inbox, will post whjen I cbf

edit: Holy shit it's been almost a month since I posted? wow this damn holiday grinding has significantly affected my time outside of WoW LOL