Monday, November 9, 2009

Drama llammas

Can't say I'm surprised, but I'm getting the cold shoulder from the GM atm.

My decision to only raid 4 nights a week has meant that the guild is only raiding 4 nights a week.

As I've said before, it's not my problem that we can't retain tanks. We've got 3 other people in the guild who have a tank OS, so there is really no need for the GM to make this an issue and put further pressure on me to raid.

The guild drama has gotten to me, while there is a good core team of about 7 players, the other 3 aren't to the same standard and mean that we can't do Ulduar hardmodes :(

We seem to be perpetually running people in Ulduar to "get them geared", but without running 25s the gear is substandard at best and doesn't make up for people who don't know the fights.

Been checking out other guilds, but the hours of the decent ones on my server just don't suit me (12am finishes are ridiculous).

So yer, I'm looking for a guild that does 25mans, 8pm-11pm EST (Aussie time), more then willing to transfer, I'm a mean ass prot pally/3.5k ret pally :)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Short list of things I hate about my guild

1. One of the officers doesn't have a mike. This officer instead uses raid warnings and tells to communicate during a raid. It's really fucking annoying.

2. Random cunt and GM talk on raid channel during raid. I don't want to hear your boring convo, stfu so I can concentrate plx. I had the GM on mute for the whole of the raid last night because of this.

3. Get some more tanks plx, and stop fucking pressuring me to stay past 11pm. I have to work, I have to perform at work, I'll be fucked if a game is gonna affect my ability to do this. Also, if I choose to raid only 4 nights out of 5 nights, it shouldn't mean that no one else can raid on the 5th night. Not my problem if we are having trouble recruiting non-retarded tanks.

4. I'm not running dailies on my main anymore, deal with it.

5. I have only been with you guys for 2 months. So when you fucking have a stress at me because I don't tank something in a way you have always tanked it, what do you think I'm thinking about you at that time?

6. Keep your bitchy ass bad mood to yourself please. If you can't do that, turn off your mike.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Frustration be thy Name

Having real trouble getting the title on Drood, only need the pet to get the achievement but am having real difficulties getting the fricken thing to drop.

The mount dropped today, didn't win that but I could care less about mounts on Drood.

Fuck this RNG bullshit, I got the title so easy on Pally but have the drop rates been nerfed this 2nd week?


OMG OMG OMG I got the fucking pet and title on Drood today :) :) :)

And Drood dinged 80!!!! And her HR is already at 320!!!! OMG life is a just a little more bearable today.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More emo tanks

We’ve just had a new tank and dps join the guild, tank is well geared, however he’s an

He joined with his girlfriend a couple of days ago, and since then there has been lots of ‘babe’ and ‘lol sexy’ and other shit between them in guild chat that makes me want to /vomit.

All the signs are there for another rage quit, he wasn’t happy when told he will be OT to me in TotC tonight, obviously he expected to walk in off the street and take my spot straight away ROFL.

This convo occurred in guild chat when I was on Drood so I don’t think he realised I was there, but then he and his gf started rofling about how he will always pull threat off me and how leet he is blah blah blah.

I predict that these guys are gonna be a drama, there is gonna be loot issues (from sneaky passing to each other), there’s gonna be ninjaing, and there’s gonna be some attempted mental disintergration on their behalf.

So it should be an interesting run tonight, lets see if he can walk the talk cause I’mm gonna be fucking nailing my rotations to make sure he doesn’t ‘pull threat off me lol’.

I’ll be watching for sneaky taunts too :p

ahahahahaha they gquit before the raid even started. Didn't like the fact that only the guy on his tank was running, tried to tell the officers how it was gonna be, ciao bella.

I was actually disappointed, I was looking forward to seeing how I went against him.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Baby steps

One shotted the bug in 10m Totc last night with 2 healers. Meh, got the achievement but didn't feel any for of acomplishment for it.

Tried to 2 heal the 10m H Totc but it wasn't going to happen, Druid OT went down on his third impale.

So we had a couple of tries on Thorium hardmode (with 3 healers), missed it by 15 secs :(

Considering how much trouble I had tanking the arena in my first run of Ulduar 2 months ago, last night was a total piece of piss. We have a good strat (everyone stacks on me, Rog does Tricks of Trade then Fan of Knifes), place Pallies are such OP AOE tanks that the adds just love me before anyone else.

I'm looking forward to doing the Ulduar hardmodes almost as much I was orginally looking forward to Ulduar.

And I went and saw a shrink for the first time ever today.

And the damn HH pet didn't drop for my Drood, only 3 runs left BLIZZ >:O

Monday, October 26, 2009

Am I burning out already?

Well, normal ToTC is a complete dud. No soul, no design flare, just a few easy bosses and lots of loot.

Kind of disappointing really, because I am outgearing Ulduar 10 I'm less inclined to run it, after only being in there twice :p

I think I've just been spoilt, running with experienced people who have made it easy to clear content.

So I decided to write a list out of what I wanted to achieve in the game (an idea I lifted from The Pink Pigtail Inn) and it didn't make me feel any better.

I think I'm just spending too much time in the game, and I need to take a break from it. Just need to get the damn Squashling on my Druid first though...

Friday, October 23, 2009

Don't look back in anger

Got the Twins down for the first time last night, and had a couple of cracks at the ugly bug.

Until one of the healers rage quited the raid (he blew something the tank said WAY out of proportion) and we had to call it. The healer then went on to rage quit the guild.

That's 2 people who have rage quitted in 2 runs (a new tank rage quitted after 6 wipes on Lord Jaxasas, note the wipes he caused due to his inabilty to keep the adds off the raid).

It's not the guild, it's the mentality of the people rage quiting that's the problem. I wonder if guilds like Ajantis have this issue?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Holiday QQ

Woo hoo!

Hallows day holiday thing is here, so I can now spend all my spare game grinding the title for not 1, but 2 toons!

And this holiday has the added bonus of needed to beat the RNG 4 times to get the meta achievement!!!!!


Friday, October 16, 2009

Gold making 101- Sell what people need (o rly)

I was leveling an alt through Arathi Highlands the other day, and was reminded about how I made the gold to get the mount on my first toon at level 30.

Back in the day, to get your fishing, cooking and first aid professions past level 200ish, you needed to buy and read manuals. Each manual was sold by only 1 NPC, and they were a pain in the ass to get if you were power-leveling.

So, when my first toon was level 20ish, he needed the fishing manual to level up. I checked for where to get the manual, read the comments and realised that people were making gold off these books!

So, I corpse ran to Booty Bay, spent all my gold buying 3 or 4 fishing manuals, and threw em on the AH. They sold, I bought more, they sold, I bought more and investigated what manuals were needed for other professions. I bought those, sold em, and the rest is history.

To make gold in the game, you need to learn what people need, and thus what they will pay money for.

Undergeared guildies

In a guild run recently with a new Tree.

New Tree was in a mixture of purpls and blues with a couple of greens thrown in for good measure.


Tree (along with other idiots) kept dieing in the first firewall. After the 5th wipe, I inspected the Tree to discover how undergeared she was for the encounter.

I psted the GM with a polite "WTF?" to be told "Tree knows what she is doing."

Next run, Tree tells us this is her FIRST TIME in OS.

I like my guild but....

Thanks to the daylight savings, the guild I have just joined has begun to suck badly.

1/2 of the 10man team are on the East Coast, the other half are on the West Coast. So we now thanks to the joyous 3 hour time difference our (actual) raid starts to 9:15pm, with me and a couple of others having to log at 11pm cause of work the next day.

This is PISSING ME OFF, and as much as I don't want to leave a guild that has a lot of things going for it, this time difference just isn't working. Unfortunately, we don't have enough players to fill 2x 10m teams, let alone get an East and West Coast team going.

So the crunch is coming, I either need to leave or start hassling the GM to get an EC/WC team running. Or both, the GM does creep me out pretty badly.

FIrst Post

QQ Moar Little Piggy is an entirely self indulgent project, where I qq about my experiences in WoW. If I can be bothered, I will also track my progress on dumb-ass achievements, and I'll be sure to post screenies of all the idiotic wankers I encounter in game each and everytime I play.