Monday, November 9, 2009

Drama llammas

Can't say I'm surprised, but I'm getting the cold shoulder from the GM atm.

My decision to only raid 4 nights a week has meant that the guild is only raiding 4 nights a week.

As I've said before, it's not my problem that we can't retain tanks. We've got 3 other people in the guild who have a tank OS, so there is really no need for the GM to make this an issue and put further pressure on me to raid.

The guild drama has gotten to me, while there is a good core team of about 7 players, the other 3 aren't to the same standard and mean that we can't do Ulduar hardmodes :(

We seem to be perpetually running people in Ulduar to "get them geared", but without running 25s the gear is substandard at best and doesn't make up for people who don't know the fights.

Been checking out other guilds, but the hours of the decent ones on my server just don't suit me (12am finishes are ridiculous).

So yer, I'm looking for a guild that does 25mans, 8pm-11pm EST (Aussie time), more then willing to transfer, I'm a mean ass prot pally/3.5k ret pally :)

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