Friday, October 29, 2010

Cata- Australian pricing of digital download

I just bought the Cata digital download for both my accounts, and am very happy that Blizzard made this service available as it saves me having to go to a shop to purchase.

My one issue is that I think I have paid more then the quoted $39.99USD. I'll check my bank account tonight when the transactions have been processed, but I am pretty sure I have been charged the recommended retail price that I would of paid buying it off the shelf in Australia, which is about $60AU

Same thing happened with SC2, which was very annoying. I am so against protectionism, and it is annoying that Australians are getting gouged to protect the profit line of retail dinosaurs like Harvey Norman.

Woot game will go live 7pm Tuesday the 7th! For sure I'll be taking a flex on the next day!

Edit: just checked my bank statement and I was charges $42.09AUD for the download! I take back everything I said, except the part where I was ripped off buying SC2!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WOW! 7 months! Not bad little blog, not bad.

Seems I need to be in a specific mood to want to post, interesting *strokes beard
Well actually, I don't have a beard no more as of last weekend, it was getting too hot, scratchy, and ginger. GINGER WTF. I was scared I'd be a victim of racial discrimination. Also I've been told by my boss, along with the rest of the team, that I'm going into Movember this year, and I had to be clean shaven at the start of November.

So yer, the blog. Not sure what to do with you.

And the game. omg the game. So much for unplugging, I've gone in the opposite direction really, much to my recent disgust. Lets recap what I've done in the last months of the game.

Main- Tanked 12/12 10 & 25m Lich king, 10/12hm 10m and 6/12(?)hm 25m. WOW! In that time, I got involved in 2 guilds thanks to Sicnic. The first one was great, there were some good (and bad) players, we got to 11/12 with myself replacing the other pally tank. We couldn't get LK though, and the GM/RL finally cracked it and announced he was server and faction transferring (lol). 2 days later, he gkicked everyone except his bank alt and that was that.

Sic got me into my current guild which was full of some hardcore guys. We only raid Friday and Saturdays, but man we raid on those nights, doing full clears of 10/25 if we aren't dicking around wiping on HMs. I'm only H Sindy away from my 10m drake! Omg I'm still shaking my head over that one, at my last post in March I wasn't even sure I'd get LK kill let alone the drake, damn.

Speaking of Mounts, I got the Rusted Proto (sweet), the Red Proto (nice) and with it the 100 mounts achieve which awarded the Blue Dragonhawk (pretty). And with everything benefitting from 310% mount speed, I can start using my mount /random castsequence macro again.

Got the Hunter/Shammie team to 80, got them geared (the hunter more than the shammie) and have left them at that. Leveled engineering on the Shammie which is very cool.

Got my locks to 80, got the horde hunter/rogue to 80, got another team at 71 which I am having trouble shifting to 75 prior to Cata.

I've been doing loremaster on the horde team, but not sure if I am going to make it before Cata and not sure if I even want to do it. Sigh.

And year, I deleted the mages. Fuck playing mages! The male undead running animation is cool though, kinda hunched over and sneaky.

So I might be back, maybe.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


As I sit here, slurping my coffee as I muster the motivation to go to work, I'm thinking that this blog needs some graphic love. If I can unplug myself from stupid games, I think I'll start adding some pretty pictures here.

Having a bit of a dilemma with myself over a design competition for Canberra Uni. The dilemma is, given the deadline is the end of April, do I want to enter in the knowledge that the next month will be hell? But if I don't enter, will the disappoint in myself outweigh the pain?

Blah, not even sure if I'm eligible yet, I'll find that out today and make the decision from there. I guess I have Easter and Anzac Day between now and the deadline, should I go for it? It's an ideas competition, maybe I can spend less time on the polish as a consequence?

WoW update, still can't play my main (lol), only logging on to him for JCing my epic gems and prospecting.

Got the hunters to 40, swapped one out for my shammy, and have taken that team to 63 as of last night. BM Hunter/Ele shammy has been my fav team so far, the hunter's tenacity pet tanks will the shammy and hunter kick butt from a distance. If the shammy wipes, he can reincarnate and save the day. And having a toon that can heal is awesome.

Made small inroads on the undead mages, their starting area is cool but kind of creepy. Zombies are my least fav horror monsters, and playing one isn't that fun lol.

Less then a month left on my RAF time, but this will be the last team I will take to 60. My main toon has 8 toons >60 now, with 1 slot reserved for a Worgen or Goblin come Cataclysm.

So RAF has been awesome in that regard, I played classes I would never of dreamed of having the time to play, I have lots of alchemists waiting in the wings, and I learnt how to dual box (I'll never single toon grind again).

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Whiney Post Day

Apparently, today is the day for bloggers to post whiney little bitch posts they have been holding in all year.

So here goes; ummm I got nothing! Actually, the only thing I have to whine about is not having enough money, but then I've NEVER had enough money since the day I realised what money actually is!

Quick update on WoW, got the rogue/hunter team to 60. Was a bit of a challenge running with a melee/ranged duo, but challenges make the game imo.

Working on my third team now, hunters this time. They are at level 30, and it's been so damn easy that I'm fricken sick of the them. Seriously, they both have a cat, and they just murder everything they come in contact with. I think I've only wiped a couple of times with them, and those were more then likely afk wipes.

To get past this boredom, once they hit 40 I'll swap the main account hunter with my level 40 shammie banker. I figure that they will still own hard, but I will need to pay attention a little more as there will only be one pet out.

I've got around a month of RAF time left, my fourth and more then likely final team with be a pair of undead mages. I would really like to play the undead starting area, and I think that mages will be a difficult as there will be no pet to protect my pretty glass cannons.

Edit: I just read the post preceding this one, and it was virtually exactly the same. WTF is wrong with me, why am I plagiarising myself?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Moar updates

I am now exalted with the Goblins, Shen'dular and Darkmoon Faire (have been for a couple of weeks now.)

I'm having to psyche myself into grinding for Ravenholdt, so I have taken a short from my pally to overcome this minor old-world burnout. (And to also give me time to sell all of the damn crap I got from the grinding.)

So I have been focusing on my dual boxing teams. Got my sexy locks to 65, and powerleveled their tailoring and alchemy to the point where I can make the epic cloth and raw gems. Locks have been fun, but have only recently began to feel OP after I switched them both to Demonology. My main has the Void out for the Oh-Fuck shield and AoE taunt, while the slave cleaves away with her Felguard :)

Been heaps of fun, once I am through my RAF time I reckon I will get them to 80.

I've started my rogue/hunter team, and got them to their mid 40's. It's quite challenging having a melee/ranged class, but I've got a good rotation and the Hunter's bear helps a lot. I have wiped a lot less with these guys as well compared to the locks, in fact I had 5 mobs on me last night who were around 3-4 levels above the team, and I managed to surve :)

I've also got 2 hunters up to their early teens. It just too easy, absolutely raping mobs atm. Once they get to 40, I'll delete the main account hunter and sub my banker ele shaman in, as I would like to get him up.

My next team will be 2 undead mages. I would like to play the undead started areas, and raping with mages sounds like fun.

Thursday, February 25, 2010



THose DM runs were truly, truly terrible, goddammit they were the worst.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


I actually wrote this at work a couple of weeks ago, so it's a little out of date but meh whatever

Mounts: 90


Goblin= Gadgetzan Exalted, remainder 4k into Revered

DMF= 12k into Revered

Shend= xxx into Honoured

Running into real issues here, as Pristine Black Diamonds are very very scare. I’ve upped my max buyout price to 300g, this will raise if necessary. Librams are no problem, I’d be getting close to the remaining 60 that I need. Gotta go farm Srath/Scholo more :p


Still neutral, but will be getting my Rogue/Hunter DB team going very shortly so that I have a toon capable of farming the lockboxes.

Dual Box

Got 2 sexy gnome warlocks burning fuck outta shit atm :D :D :D

I’m so happy to have gotten this happening, Dual Boxxing is heaps of fun and easy to setup once the basics are sorted. I’m using Octopus and Jamba and only a few basic macros. Looking forward to getting the next team going J

World Achievements

Very close to Love Fool on my pally and druid. Only one holiday achievement off the Meta achievement on my pally thank fuck. So spending time on this each night, at least the difficulty has been well and truly nerfed from the shitstorm that was last year. Lol I rolled a troll rogue on my 2nd account and got him to Booty Bay just so my druid could throw the rose petals on him, sure it’s a little sad but damn efficient as I was tanking some crappy instance on my main account at the time :p


Sitting on about 20k, with many many DMF cards waiting to be released into the system. I’m pretty much done with selling glyphs, way to much time spent for very little return. All my Ink of the Sea are purchasing Snowfall Inks now, I’m going to stop making glyphs now and only list when I can be bothered until my stockpile is gone. DMF cards will be my focus, as they are still good little earners.

Gem market is almost ground to a halt too, pretty much back to the prices on Blue gems pre 3.3. Going to DB my warlocks to 65 asp so that I can powerlevel their alchemy, with 3 transmutation masters working for me 600g a day should be achievable for very low effort.


Kicked some very good goals at work over the last couple of weeks, the confidence has returned and projects are getting steamrolled as a consequence J

Seeing the Dr is really helping the anxiety, especially the last exercise she got me doing. Last session was shit, could barely keep from crying, how long does it take for the past to stop haunting us?

Game Goals for Feb

Get holiday achievements on Pally/Druid

DB Warlocks to 65 and powerlevel their alchemy

All goblins to Exalted

Farm Strath and Scholo to allow 10 more Libram of Protection/Libram of Focus turnins

Mmm feeling the tugs of wanting to raid again pulling at me, maybe March look at joining a raiding guild?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

WoW drunk dialling


I just died in DM!!!!!

Guess drinking a little of vodka while playing can kinda fuck yopu up :p

I got a diary type post sitting in my inbox, will post whjen I cbf

edit: Holy shit it's been almost a month since I posted? wow this damn holiday grinding has significantly affected my time outside of WoW LOL

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Australia Day!

Ah gotta love a day off work :)

I have RL things to do, but so far my day has been spent grinding Strath and Scholo lol.

Quick update on where I am at:

- Got the DK to 80. I have parked him in his permanent home of IF where I have no desire to move him untill the next expansion drops.

- Got Gadgetzan to Revered, Ratchet to Friendly and the other 2 factions to Hostile (Almost unfriendly.)

- Got 30-40 Darkmoon decks ready to go, I think I'll keep this up even once I have them at Exalted, as I'm making some good gold off them.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Insane grind update

Got Gadgetzan to Revered, and am now grinding pirates just south of Ratchet.
Got Ratchet to Neutral, and Booty and Everlook to Hostile.

I think that Blizz massivly upped the respawn timers of mobs in lower level areas, because I'm getting pirates spawning under my feet in the Barrens (which is awesome).

Subsequently, my Ratchet rep per hour is sitting on about 6k, whereas the spot I was grind in Tanaris was only getting about 4k an hour if there was noone else questing there. (There were always other people questing there).

So the good news is, after 4 months I can finally fly into Ratchet and not get attacked :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

EVE is complicated

I'm struggling a little to play EVE during the week, as the complexity of the game just does my head in a little at the end of a work day.

I'm slowly slowly slowly getting the hang of it, I've done most of the tutorial missions and have even sold a couple of items on the market. Still got a week left on my trial, but I think I will upgrade my account cause I quite enjoy the game :)

I'm struggling finding things to mine though, I checked about 10 asteroid belts near Ultra tonight and there was nothing in them.

Monday, January 18, 2010


1. DK to 80 (he's 77 atm)
2. Grind Gadzetzan to Revered
3. Grind Shen guys to Revered
3. Grind Rachet to Revered
4. Learn to Dual Box

In between I will grind daily heroic for badges to buy heirloom and pvp gear.


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Looking ahead for 2010

I've put together a little list of the achievements I am planning on focussing on in WoW, for the first 6 months at least.

Title: 'The Insane'
I have decided to go for this crazy, crazy title. The main reason being the level of commitment required and thus reward, and the fact that I can do it all solo. Current status is:

Bloodsail Buccaneers:
Completed. I grouped with 4 other people, and we nailed this in an hour.

Steamweddle Cartel
Gadgetzan is 1/2 way into Honoured, the other 3 factions are about 30k into Hostile. Currently pissing people off in Tanaris atm as I grind the damn pirates there.

Darkmoon Faire
I think I am Honoured with these guys, spent another 5k yesterday on Darkmoon Card mats. I am slowly plodding towards these guys as I work on the other factions, and have been very surprised at how in-demand these trinkets are considering how easy it is to gear up post 3.3.

Been buying Librams and Pristine Black Diamonds when I see them on the AH. Done a couple of runs of Strath for the mount and Admoniable Stichings, I'm also trying to get the sexy piccolo from there too :)

Not started. I'm gonna need a rogue for this, I am thinking that I will dual box a rog to 60, then maybe level him to say 65 to make the farming of lockboxes easier. From reading it seems that BRD is the best place to farm these.

100 Mounts
I have been working towards this achievement for the life of my main. I'm currently at 86 mounts, here a possible list of mounts (that don't require RL money) to get me to the magic number:

1. Baron’s Mount

2. Sons of Ho 8k mount

3. PvP mount- (4 possibilites)

4. Winterspring Mount

5. Red proto-Drake- Ties in with Glory of the Hero achievement

6. Iron-bound Proto Drake- Ties in with Glory of the Ulduar Raider achievement

7. Oculus Drake

8. Swift Zehra Mount

9. AT mount

10. AQ40 mounts (Blue)

11. AQ40 mounts (Red)

12. AQ40 mounts (Yellow)

13. AQ40 mounts (Green)

14. ZG raid mount- Swift Razzashi Raptor (Bloodlord Mandokir)
15. ZG raid mount- Swift Zulian Tiger (High Priest Thekal­)

16 & 17 Halaa PVP mounts

I haven't included any of the AT mounts, as I have quit grinding those goddamn dailies.

Edit: Damn, forgot the Violet Protodrake, which I should get after the Elders grindfest.

Glory of the Raider

Ulduar is by far one of my favourite raids for the look, feel, lore and challenge. I'm part of a group that is going in on Friday nights to get the Hadrdmodes done done as part of the achievement. Sure we overgear it, but it's still fun :)

Curret status is:
I've got 3/4 of them, haven't got Pally open atm to check which ones :p.

Glory of the Hero
Another one I have wanted for a while, I am thinking of starting a regular group that spends a couple of hours a week on getting these done.

So there it is, be interested to see where this is at in a couple of months.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hi online diary, it's been 2 months, did you miss me????

Well, seems that 2 months is a long time playing a MMO. Quick rundown on what's happened since my last post:

- I took a 3 week break from the game (lol) prior to 3.3 dropping, as I was over the grind and over the guild.

- Came back the day 3.3 dropped, on a whim pugged a guild run of ICC. We didn't get Marrowgar down, but it was fun nonetheless.

- Left my guild the next day after the role following my demotion to trail rank. Fair enough I had been dropped from the raider rank as I took a break from the game and wasn't raiding, but to be dropped down to trail without a single word being said to me? Screw that, I want to play a game against the computer not a creepy old hag.

- Ground the new LFG tool pretty hard, got full T9 on my Prot and Ret sets now, only have 2 pieces of Furious Glad gear to get for my PvP set (and damn it's made a difference to my PvP survialbility).

- More grinding towards 'The Insane'. Currently have Gadgetzan 1/2 through Honoured, with the other 3 members of Steamweedle at around 30k into Hated.

- Got my DK to 75, I'm grinding him to 80 just to be ready for the profession grind come Cataclysm. Now to get my priest up to 80 LOL

- Hit 50k gold!!! Very happy with this, I made an assload off transmuting saronite into titanium with little to no competition until the last week. Gem sales have been amazing, and I have sold maybe 30k worth of Darkmoon cards as a byproduct of 'The Insane' grind.

- Played a Orc Rogue to 23, and experienced Durotar and the Barrens first hand :) I LOVE the rogue, and love experiencing the horde side of things given how much I have done on the alliance side. WTF is with alli raiding Crossroads though??? I can only blame small penis syndrome.

So there we are :) I'm enjoying being unguilded, and have no immediate plans to start raiding again. In fact, i am downloading a trail of EVE Online as I type this, looks like an interesting game.